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AI for Speech Recognition



AI is the study of the abilities for computers to perform tasks, which currently are better done by humans. AI has an interdisciplinary field where computer science intersects with philosophy, psychology, engineering and other fields. Humans make decisions based upon experience and intention. The essence of AI in the integration of computer to mimic this learning process is known as Artificial Intelligence Integration
When you dial the telephone number of a big company, you are likely to hear the sonorous voice of a cultured lady who responds to your call with great courtesy saying "welcome to company X. Please give me the extension number you want" .You pronounces the extension number, your name, and the name of the person you want to contact. If the called person accepts the call, the connection is given quickly. This is artificial intelligence where an automatic call-handling system is used without employing any telephone operator.

The Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) involves two basic ideas. First, it involves studying the thought processes of human beings. Second, it deals with representing those processes via machines (like computers, robots, etc).AI is behaviour of a machine, which, if performed by a human being, would be called intelligence. It makes machines smarter and more useful, and is less expensive than natural intelligence.

Natural language processing (NLP) refers to artificial intelligence methods of communicating with a computer in a natural language like English. The main objective of a NLP program is to understand input and initiate action.The input words are scanned and matched against internally stored known words. Identification of a keyword causes some action to be taken. In this way, one can communicate with the computer in one's language. No special commands or computer language are required. There is no need to enter programs in a special language for creating software.

Voice XML takes speech recognition even further. Instead of talking to your computer, you're essentially talking to a web site, and you're doing this over the phone.OK, you say, well, what exactly is speech recognition? Simply put, it is the process of converting spoken input to text. Speech recognition is thus sometimes referred to as speech-to-text.Speech recognition allows you to provide input to an application with your voice. Just like clicking with your mouse, typing on your keyboard, or pressing a key on the phone keypad provides input to an application; speech recognition allows you to provide input by talking. In the desktop world, you need a microphone to be able to do this. In the Voice XML world, all you need is a telephone.

The speech recognition process is performed by a software component known as the speech recognition engine. The primary function of the speech recognition engine is to process spoken input and translate it into text that an application understands. The application can then do one of two things:The application can interpret the result of the recognition as a command. In this case , the application is a command and control application. If an application handles the recognized text simply as text, then it is considered a dictation application.

The user speaks to the computer through a microphone, which in turn, identifies the meaning of the words and sends it to NLP device for further processing. Once recognized, the words can be used in a variety of applications like display, robotics, commands to computers, and dictation.