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RFID Based Door Access System



Now a days, Security is prime concern in our day-to-day life. Every one wants to be secure as much as to be possible. This project , “An RFID Based Door Lock System” provides a facility of security. This type of security lock is generally attached at the main entrance door. By using this type of security, only authorized persons can access a restricted area.

What is RFID?

RFID radio frequency identification is a general term that is used to describe a system that transmits the identity of an object wirelessly, using radio waves . Radio frequency (RF) refers to electromagnetic waves that have a wavelength suited for use in radio communication.


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) research and discovery began in the year 1970, people started using RFID for tagging equipment and personnel. The use was mainly in electronic systems that involved electro-magnetism and induction coupling for high security applications to prevent the theft of expensive items.
RFID did not find adequate application in the retail sector, because the cost of the RFID tags and other components in the RFID system were very expensive. In recent years, the cost of RFID has been dropping drastically. Consequently, retail industries are beginning to re-evaluate the applications of RFID. Usage of RFID technology in the retail industry seems to be growing rapidly.


Use of RFID technology can increase business productivity and reduce associated costs. To ensure that companies benefit from the advantages RFID provides it is important to understand how to adopt this technology. By analyzing current practices and procedures eight main areas of benefit can be identified.
These are:
Improved Productivity and Cost Avoidance.
Decreased Cycle Time and Taking Costs Out.
Reduced Rework.
Reduced Business Risk & Control of Assets.
Improved Security and Service.
Improved Utilization of Resources.
Increased Revenues.
Exception Management.


The disadvantages are that, when there is a necessity of providing control at many locations inside the company, a person at each point will not be an economical way of implementing it.
Then came were the punch cards. Employees possess cards, which are punched when they enter into the building. But it had disadvantages. Workers started to practice buddy punching, for their co-workers