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A Paper in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
about Maintaining its Survivability



In general, Security techniques pursue two defense lines: one preventive and the second
one is reactive6. The first one offers techniques to circumvent any type of Attack, as firewalls and
cryptographic systems. The second consists in getting act on demand to lessen Intrusions, as
Intrusion Detection systems. This paper observes Survivable approaches whose purpose is to
facilitate network s to complete their functions properly and significantly even In the presence of
Intrusions. preventive, reactive techniques and Tolerance defense lines. This paper established
Survivability concepts and its association with preventive, reactive and Tolerance defense lines.
Survivable MANETs will be capable to accomplish their purposes and aims by means of the
cooperation between those three defense lines. Key Properties of Survivability as resistance,
acknowledgment, recovery and adaptability were thorough, and Survivability needs for MANETs
were examined. In conclusion, this function highlights that a completely Survivable MANET be
supposed to be appropriate cooperatively the three defense lines as an alternative of only one or
two lines separately


The word MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc
Network) refers to a multi-hop Packet Based
Wireless network composed of a set of Mobile
Nodes that can exchange Information and at the
same time move, without using any kind of
permanent infrastructure. MANET is In fact self
Organizing and Adaptive network s that can be
formed and deformed on the fly without the
requirement of any Centralized administration. As
for other Packet Data network s, one to-one
Communication Ina MANET is attained by unicast
Routing every single Packet. Routing In MANET is
exigent due to the limitation presented on the
transmission Bandwidth battery power and CPU
time and the need to manage with the repeated
topological alterations resultant from the mobility

Key properties and concepts about survivability

In general, Security techniques pursue
two defense lines: one preventive and the second
one is reactive6
. The first one offers techniques to
circumvent any type of Attack, as firewalls and
cryptographic systems. The second consists In
getting act on demand to lessen Intrusions, as
Intrusion Detection systems. On the other hand,
preventive and reactive methods are not proficient
to put all Attacks and Intrusions off7-8. Thus,
Research groups have brought together Security
techniques In the direction of one-third-defense
line, called Intrusion Tolerance (IT)8
, as shown In


This paper observes Survivable
approaches whose purpose is to facilitate network
s to complete their functions properly and
significantly even In the presence of Intrusions. In
this paper we construct the very interrelated
Survivable MANET ideas where either preventive
or reactive techniques are combined implemented
with tolerant technique. We categorize the defense
lines getting into account Intrusion Tolerance
techniques as well as classify Properties and needs
of Survivability. The Initiatives are classified In three