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Project Report On Microcontroller Based Home Automation System With Security



With advancement of technology things are becoming
simpler and easier for us. Automatic systems are being preferred
over manual system. This unit talks about the basic definitions
needed to understand the Project better and further defines the
technical criteria to be implemented as a part of this project.


With advancement of technology things are becoming
simpler and easier for us. Automation is the use of control
systems and information technologies to reduce the need for
human work in the production of goods and services. In the
scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond
mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human
operators with machinery to assist them with the muscular
requirements of work, automation greatly decreases the need
for human sensory and mental requirements as well.
Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world
economy and in daily experience.
Automatic systems are being preferred over manual
system. Through this project we have tried to show automatic
control of a house as a result of which power is saved to some


Home/office automation is the control of any or all
electrical devices in our home or office, whether we are there
or away. Home/office automation is one of the most exciting
developments in technology for the home that has come along
in decades. There are hundreds of products available today that
allow us control over the devices automatically, either by
remote control; or even by voice command.
Home automation (also called domotics) is the residential
extension of "building automation". It is automation of the
home, housework or household activity. Home automation may
include centralized control of lighting, HVAC (heating,
ventilation and air conditioning), appliances, and other systems,
to provide improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency
and security. Disabled can provide increased quality of life for
persons who might otherwise require caregivers or institutional


Earlier, we looked into the face of future when we talked
about automated devices, which could do anything on
instigation of a controller, but today it has become a reality.
a) An automated device can replace good amount of human
working force, moreover humans are more prone to errors and
in intensive conditions the probability of error increases
whereas, an automated device can work with diligence,
versatility and with almost zero error.
Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard
physical or monotonous work.
Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous
environments (i.e. fire, space, volcanoes, nuclear facilities,
underwater, etc)
Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities
of size, weight, speed, endurance, etc


The main source of power(Fig 1) supply is a transformer.
The maximum output power of power supply is dependent on
maximum output power of transformer .We determine power
from its current and voltage rating. e.g.: if there is a transformer
of 12V, 500mA then maximum power delivered by transformer
is 6Watt.
It means we can drive a load from this transformer up to
6w. In our project our maximum power requirement is 1watt.
So to provide this power we use 12V/250mA transformer. The
maximum output power of this transformer is means it
can easily drive load up to 4 watt.

Input filter

After rectification we obtain dc supply from ac but it is not
pure dc it may have some ac ripples .To reduce these ripples
we use filters. It comprises of two filters –low frequency ripple
filter and high frequency ripple filter.
To reduce low frequency ripples we use electrolytic
capacitor. The voltage rating of capacitor must be double from
incoming dc supply. It blocks dc and passes ripples to ground.

Control Unit

Two control units were used one for internal system and
one for external system and these control unit based on
ATMEL’sAT89S52 microcontroller(Fig 2). The given capture
shows the pins and basic requirement of microcontroller to
make it functional. Detailed description of the controller

Pin Description

VCC: Supply voltage. GND: Ground., Port 0: Port 0 is an
8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port, each
pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0
pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. Port 0 can
also be configured to be the multiplexed low-order address/data
bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In
this mode, P0 has internal pull-ups. Port 0 also receives the
code bytes during Flash programming and outputs the code
bytes during program verification. External pull-ups are
required during program verification.


Virtually anything in the home/office that is powered by
electricity can be automated and/or controlled. We can control
our electrical devices. We can turn our porch lights onoutside can just see the closed door and not the lock as it is
inbuilt. The password is given with the help of controller and
can be changed by simply making a small change in the
program and then burning the program in the controller

Counter dependent automatic switching system of room

After opening the lock when the person enters the room the
counter gets incremented. Now if it is a day then the lights
would not be switched on but if it is dark then the lights will
automatically switch on. Now whatever may be the number of
people entering the room the counter will automatically get
incremented by itself and on leaving the room the counter will
get decremented but the system will keep on working .Once the
counter is zero in other words once everyone leaves the room
the switching system will automatically stop working.

Temperature controlled cooling system

Once the person has entered the room he would not require
to switch on anything everything will just happen
automatically. Like if the temperature is high then the fan will
switch on, on its own. Else it will remain in off state. This
temperature is predefined by us in the controller. But this
system will only work if there is a person in the room in other
words if the counter is not zero.

Password Based Locking System

In this system we have ensured a safe locking system. On
seeing from outside the lock would not be visible but this
inbuilt locking system ensures security. This lock can be
opened and closed with the help of a password which we will
give using a keypad. The door will only open or close only if
the password is correct else it will remain in its original state.
The lock cannot be broken because to the person standing


An automated home can be a very simple grouping of
controls, or it can be heavily automated where any appliance
that is plugged into electrical power is remotely controlled.
Costs mainly include equipment, components, furniture, and
custom installation.
Ongoing costs include electricity to run the control systems,
maintenance costs for the control and networking systems,
including troubleshooting, and eventual cost of upgrading as
standards change. Increased complexity may also increase
maintenance costs for networked devices.
Learning to use a complex system effectively may take
significant time and training.
Control system security may be difficult and costly to
maintain, especially if the control system extends beyond the
home, for instance by wireless or by connection to the internet
or other networks.