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Gi-Fi :The Next Generation Wireless



---Wireless technology
improvement has become follower in
today’s modern life. One of the
greatest improvements made on
wireless technology field was inventing
a new Wireless Technology (Gi-Fi).
Gi-Fi or Gigabit Wireless is the
world’s first transceiver integrated on
a single chip that operates at 60GHz
on the CMOS process.
Gi-Fi is a wireless transmission system
which is ten times faster than Wi-Fi
and it’s chip delivers short-range
multi-gigabit data transfer in an
indoor environment. It will allow
wireless transfer of audio and video
data up to 5 gigabits per second, low
power consumption, usually within a
range of 10 meters .This technology
providing low-cost, high broadband
access, with very high speed large files
exchange within seconds. It is required
that Gi-Fi to be the preferred next
generation wireless technology used in
home and offices.


Melbourne University researchers have
achieved up to 5Gbps data transfer rates
on a wireless chip. This is a lot faster
than any current Wi-Fi speeds. The
world's first Gi-Fi wireless network chip
developed at Australia's peak federal
technology incubator has entered its
commercialisation phase.


The valuable advantages of the
Gi-Fi technology can be
abbreviated as follows


Gi-Fi technology is based on IEEE
802.15.3C and this standard provides
more security since it provides optional
security in the link level and service
level. Point-to-point wireless systems
operating at 60 GHz have been used for
many years by the intelligence
community for high security
communications and by the military for
satellite-to satellite communications


Without doubt, Gi-Fi wireless
technology represents a considerable
improvement if compared to the existing
technology. The new technology
provides innumerable featuress that
improve both the overall functionality as
well as some specific security functions.
Thus we conclude by all above gaining
information that Gi-Fi wireless