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Abstracts: Training Tracker is a secure on line facility that allows Users helps in managing all data about the trainings conducted by the organization. Training Tracker provides a web-based interface, on-line registration, work flow and self-service training programs. It will help the organization in understanding what trainings would prove helpful for its employees and will help in managing the training schedules.Login module contains the functionalities for the security of the application. Only the authorised users have to access the system. The registered users have provided a unique user name and password. The employee details must be entered in the application. The employee details such Name, department name qualification, current skill sets the subjects which needed training etc. Each course an employee wishes to attend must be recorded in the database. An employee can register for a course but he cannot have the privilege for booking the course it will done by the higher authorized. Placing booking on-line reduces all of the headaches involved with organizing training, once a course has been effortlessly booked online. In this process you can plan the details of future training that must take place and details of actual training that has taken place. You are able to record details for planned training or actual training even if it has not been previously planned. This process records the detail of course bookings and course dates etc.