Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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Abstracts: “Engineered Cementitious Composite, or ECC, is a unique type of cement mixture that was initially developed by Victor Li at the University of Michigan in 2001. It improves upon current concrete mixes and Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) types due to its “unique composition of low volume fibers and variable composites,” that give it a high tensile strength and the ability to repair itself. The concrete mix was created based mainly on the interactions between the microfibers included in the mixture and the other materials present (the matrix). These interactions create flat steady state cracking of the concrete when under stress. This type of cracking better protects the concrete from the introduction of solvents and corrosive elements while also promoting the reactions that cause self-healing, and these properties are what set Engineered Cementitious Composite apart from the concrete currently in use today. When the average person thinks of concrete, this basic mixture is typically what they are thinking of. However, this particular type of concrete has drawbacks that make it a less than ideal choice for such an important resource. This traditional concrete may be strong initially, but it tends to be very brittle and cracks easily under mechanical and environmental loads. The cracks that develop tend to be very large, allowing sulfates and corrosive agents to permeate through and damage any inner steel structures the concrete may be covering. In the event of a catastrophe such as an earthquake, a damaged section of concrete could be the difference between a building standing or collapsing. For this reason, it is necessary to consider an ideal concrete mixture that would retain the strength of basic concrete, while better handling the stresses of the environment that these types of structures experience on a daily basis. This paper will discuss experiments performed to test tensile strength, compression resistance, and shrinkage of Engineered Cementitious Composite concrete based on variations in the composite make up of Engineered Cementitious Composite that cause it to differ from other concretes and Fiber Reinforced Concretes in the areas of ductility, durability, permeability, and other important properties. It will also explore the benefits of application to society and economic advantages while also taking into account environmental impacts and cost by citing specific examples of Engineered Cementitious Composite use in society today.”