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Full Version: Research and Enhancement in Krita
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Abstracts: Krita is an innovative, free and open source painting application for professional artists. Krita is a complete digital art studio, making it possible to create great artwork from start to finish. Krita supports the creation of comics, illustrations, concept art, mattes, textures and more. Krita is created by a community of developers and artists in the KDE project. Krita is part of the Calligra Suite of creative and productivity applications. Krita development is supported by the Krita Foundation and KDE e.V. Commercial support for Krita is available from KO GmbH. Krita is a robust, fast and flexible painting application that makes creating art from scratch or existing resources a fun and productive experience. With many powerful brush engines and unique features such as multihand and mirrored painting, Krita explicitly supports creating comics, concept art, storyboards, textures, matte paintings and illustrations. Krita is not only a full featured and fun painting application for digital artists, it now also offers compelling functionality for digital effects artists, with full support for the movie industry's standard OpenColorIO color management tool and much improved HDR painting and image editing abilities, in addition to many performance improvements, improved Photoshop compatibility and more.