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Abstracts: In today’s environment, customer satisfaction is of prime importance to survive in the competitive market. Retaining existing customers is as important as acquiring new customers. So, proper service is an important factor. Another need is to well maintain the customer profile. At present, the company maintains customer records like customer contacts, and communication, etc using files and registers. Thus there arises integration problem between different modules like transaction and support. Besides this if any Transaction occur in the records like purchase of product, Bank Transaction there arises a need to provide authentication process. updating information becomes tedious and time consuming. This may result in inconsistent and redundant data. As data is stored in files or registers, anyone can read it. Everyone should not be allowed to access the confidential data. So, a secure system is needed that safeguards sensitive information. For this we are developing an Credit Card Processing System. Credit Card processing system is a strategy that focuses on building strong authentication and potential customers for creating and maintaining a loyal customer base. Customer this can increases efficiency and improves customer satisfaction.