Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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Abstracts: The present invention is the “SMART E-SUPPLYMENTARY: A REVOLUTION IN EXAMINATION SYSEM” used for real time digital examination system, which will replace our present examination system. It is used to assist student, teachers and university system. This device is more flexible, time saving, secured and accurate for the examination system. This device is like a real time e-supplementary which has a pen operated smart touch screen. Student writes answers on touch screen of the device using given smart pen. The device stores answers in image format. This device will eliminate a complex portion of Current examination system. It also provides some unique functionality for user so they can come out the problems which they are facing in current examination system. This device has compatibility to work with human writing speed.