Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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Abstracts: An important measure for climate change mitigation is reduction of energy use in buildings. So, there are needs to growing number of buildings which are design as per achieve a Zero Energy Building (ZEB) to reduce the different cost of electricity, Ventilation, Water Heater etc. by using PV cells, ventilation equipments, solar thermal heater. In Zero Energy Building (ZEB), there are renewable natural resources likes solar energy, wind energy etc. are used in proper manner according to the design of building. This study analyzes the change of embodied energy compared to the decrease of the energy use related to building operation; so, by this study taking the step from a low energy building to a ZEB. Embodied energy will increase slightly when taking the step from a low energy building towards ZEB. However, the energy savings achieved related to building operation exceeds with great margin, the increased embodied energy. As embodied energy as a relative share of the total cycle energy use increases, embodied energy should be given more attention in the design of buildings. This paper focuses on the review of the most of the existing ZEB definitions and the various approaches towards possible ZEB.