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Abstracts: The Recruitment Process System is aimed at developing a web-based and central Recruitment Process System for the HR Group for a company. This System is very much useful for the HR Group of the company which provides different functionalities such as creating vacancies, storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of HR group. In this System Administrator controls the entire System and also can view the all information related to Department or Employee or Account Information. Also if administrator wants to change the information then he/she can do it. Also administrator can create a new Department or add a new employee or create a new account. In this system the HR group can create vacancies, create applicants (persons applying for a vacancy), initiate interviews and close vacancy and also see the information related to it. And finally Interviewer who will be intimated about the interview schedule and finally enters the result. Also interviewer can see all the information of the scheduled interviews.