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Full Version: Global Collective E-News System
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Abstracts: Global collective E-news system is useful for all those who are interested to know the hot and happening taking place across the world. It contains all source of news for Ex. Business news, Sports news, etc. It provides an easy and user friendly interface to the users. In this application there is no requirement of registration for the user. It will help to provide all categories of news in different languages as per the users’ choice. User need not to surf different websites for different news. In these days for getting any news, one has to view news channels or to visit their websites which is very time consuming and inconvenient. As well as all the websites are not displayed in desired language. So as to overcome this situation a website can be designed which can give all top news from different news websites according to the categories and in desired language. Here we have described our Global Collective E-News System. Normally news can be read by going through the websites of different news channels. The news will be displayed according to users choice of category as well as language. This news will be fetched from different news websites and according to location of a user.