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The micromouse is very much important in the field of robotics as it requires a complete analysis & proper planning to be solved. For solving the maze, several algorithms are discussed. very basic wall follower logic is first discussed followed by some sophisticated level such as the flood fill.

The Wall Follower Logic
Maze Interpretation
The maze consists of a 16x16 array of 18cmx18cm square. The micromouse has to reach the centre cell, which is the destination of the robot. the entire
maze has to be traversed by the robot so that the shortest path is analysed. The IEEE and other standard Institutions use this maze in all the micromouse competetions.

The basic algorithm

Also described as the LEFT WALL FOLLOWER LOGIC. Here, the Micromouse senses the wall on the left, and follows it to wherever it leads until the centre is reached. its position and direction cannot be detected by the robot.

Djikstra’s algorithm
the Djikstra’s Shortest Path algorithm consists of the finding the shortest path from a directed graph of a given set of nodes. multi-behavior
coordination strategy is adopted by this.
Drawbacks of the algorithm
The main disadvantage is that the whole maze has to be traversed.a lot of time is required for finding the shortest path.
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