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In recent years ad hoc networks are widely used because of mobility and open architecture nature. But new technology always comes with its own set of problems. Security of ad hoc network is an area of widespread research in recent years. Some unique characteristics of ad hoc network itself are an immense dilemma in the way of security. In this paper we have presented study about characteristics of ad hoc network, how they are problematic in ad hoc network security, attacks in ad hoc network and brief description of some existing intrusion detection system. We have also justified why distributed intrusion detection is better for ad hoc network with comparative study of existing intrusion detections in ad hoc network.

1 Introduction

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network that is formed automatically by a collection of mobile nodes without the help of a infrastructure or centralized management. Each node is equipped with a wireless transmitter and receiver, which allow it to communicate with other nodes in its radio communication range. In order for a node to forward a packet to a node that is out of its radio range, the cooperation of other nodes in the network is needed; this is known as multi-hop communication. Therefore, each node must act as both a host and a router at the same time. The network topology frequently changes due to the mobility of mobile nodes as they move within, move into, or move out of the network.

A MANET with the characteristics described above was originally developed for military purposes, as nodes are scattered across a battlefield and there is no infrastructure to help them form a network. In recent years, MANETs have been developing rapidly and are increasingly being used in many applications, ranging from military to civilian and commercial uses, since setting up such networks can be done without the help of any infras-tructure or interaction with a human. Some examples are: search-and-rescue missions, data collection, and virtual classrooms and conferences where lap-tops, PDA or other mobile devices share wireless medium and communicate to each other. As MANETs become widely used, the security issue has become one of the primary concerns. For example, most of the routing protocols proposed for MANETs assume that every node in the network is cooperative and not malicious [1]. Therefore, only one compromised node can cause the failure of the entire network.

There are both passive and active attacks in MANETs. For passive at-tacks, packets containing secret information might be eavesdropped, which violates confidentiality. Active attacks, including injecting packets to invalid destinations into the network, deleting packets, modifying the contents of packets, and impersonating other nodes violate availability, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. Proactive approaches such as cryptography and authentication [10, 11, 12, 13] were first brought into consideration, and many techniques have been proposed and implemented. However, these applications are not sufficient. If we have the ability to detect the attack once it comes into the network, we can stop it from doing any damage to the system or any data. Here is where the intrusion detection system comes in.

Intrusion detection can be defined as a process of monitoring activities in a system, which can be a computer or network system. The mechanism by
which this is achieved is called an intrusion detection system (IDS). An IDS collects activity information and then analyzes it to determine whether there are any activities that violate the security rules. Once an IDS determines that an unusual activity or an activity that is known to be an attack occurs, it then generates an alarm to alert the security administrator. In addition, IDS can also initiate a proper response to the malicious activity.
Although there are several intrusion detection techniques developed for wired networks today, they are not suitable for wireless networks due to the differences in their characteristics. Therefore, those techniques must be modified or new techniques must be developed to make intrusion detection work effectively in MANETs.

2 Background

2.1 Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Many historical events have shown that intrusion prevention techniques alone, such as encryption and authentication, which are usually a first line of defense, are not sufficient. As the system become more complex, there are also more weaknesses, which lead to more security problems. Intrusion detection can be used as a second wall of defense to protect the network from such problems. If the intrusion is detected, a response can be initiated to prevent or minimize damage to the system.

Some assumptions are made in order for intrusion detection systems to work [1]. The first assumption is that user and program activities are observable. The second assumption, which is more important, is that normal and intrusive activities must have distinct behaviors, as intrusion detection must capture and analyze system activity to determine if the system is under attack.

Intrusion detection can be classified based on audit data as either host-based or network-based. A network-based IDS captures and analyzes packets from network traffic while a host-based IDS uses operating system or application logs in its analysis. Based on detection techniques, IDS can also be classified into three categories as follows [2].

• Anomaly detection systems: The normal profiles (or normal behaviors) of users are kept in the system. The system compares the captured data with these profiles, and then treats any activity that deviates from the baseline as a possible intrusion by informing system administrators or initializing a proper response.

• Misuse detection systems: The system keeps patterns (or signatures) of known attacks and uses them to compare with the captured data. Any matched pattern is treated as an intrusion. Like a virus detection system, it cannot detect new kinds of attacks.

• Specification-based detection: The system defines a set of constraints that describe the correct operation of a program or protocol. Then, it monitors the execution of the program with respect to the defined constraints.

2.1 Intrusion Detection in MANETs

Many intrusion detection systems have been proposed in traditional wired networks, where all traffic must go through switches, routers, or gateways. Hence, IDS can be added to and implemented in these devices easily [17, 18]. On the other hand, MANETs do not have such devices. Moreover, the medium is wide open, so both legitimate and malicious users can access it. Furthermore, there is no clear separation between normal and unusual activities in a mobile environment. Since nodes can move arbitrarily, false routing information could be from a compromised node or a node that has outdated information. Thus, the current IDS techniques on wired networks cannot be applied directly to MANETs. Many intrusion detection systems have been proposed to suit the characteristics of MANETs, some of which will be discussed in the next sections.

3 Architectures for IDS in MANETs

The network infrastructures that MANETs can be configured to are either at or multi-layer, depending on the applications. Therefore, the optimal IDS architecture for a MANET may depend on the network infrastructure itself [9]. In a network infrastructure, all nodes are considered equal, thus it may be suitable for applications such as virtual classrooms or conferences. On the contrary, some nodes are considered different in the multi-layered network infrastructure. Nodes may be partitioned into clusters with one clusterhead for each cluster. To communicate within the cluster, nodes can communicate directly. However, communication across the clusters must be done through the clusterhead. This infrastructure might be well suited for military applications.

3.1 Stand-alone Intrusion Detection Systems

In this architecture, an intrusion detection system is run on each node in-dependently to determine intrusions. Every decision made is based only on information collected at its own node, since there is no cooperation among nodes in the network. Therefore, no data is exchanged. Besides, nodes in the same network do not know anything about the situation on other nodes in the network as no alert information is passed. Although this architecture is not effective due to its limitations, it may be suitable in a network where not all nodes are capable of running an IDS or have an IDS installed. This architecture is also more suitable for °at network infrastructure than for multi-layered network infrastructure. Since information on each individual node might not be enough to detect intrusions, this architecture has not been chosen in most of the IDS for MANETs.

3.2 Distributed and Cooperative Intrusion Detection Systems

Since the nature of MANETs is distributed and requires cooperation of other nodes, Zhang and Lee [1] have proposed that the intrusion detection and response system in MANETs should also be both distributed and cooperative as shown in Figure 1. Every node participates in intrusion detection and response by having an IDS agent running on them. An IDS agent is responsible for detecting and collecting local events and data to identify possible intrusions, as well as initiating a response independently. However, neigh-boring IDS agents cooperatively participate in global intrusion detection

3.3 Hierarchical Intrusion Detection Systems

Hierarchical IDS architectures extend the distributed and cooperative IDS architectures and have been proposed for multi-layered network infrastruc-tures where the network is divided into clusters. Clusterheads of each cluster usually have more functionality than other members in the clusters, for ex-ample routing packets across clusters. Thus, these clusterheads, in some sense, act as control points which are similar to switches, routers, or gate-ways in wired networks. The same concept of multi-layering is applied to intrusion detection systems where hierarchical IDS architecture is proposed. Each IDS agent is run on every member node and is responsible locally for its node, i.e., monitoring and deciding on locally detected intrusions. A clusterhead is responsible locally for its node as well as globally for its cluster, e.g. monitoring network packets and initiating a global response when network intrusion is detected.

3.4 Mobile Agent for Intrusion Detection Systems

A concept of mobile agents has been used in several techniques for intrusion detection systems in MANETs. Due to its ability to move through the large network, each mobile agent is assigned to perform only one specific task, and then one or more mobile agents are distributed into each node in the network. This allows the distribution of the intrusion detection tasks.

There are several advantages for using mobile agents [2]. Some functions are not assigned to every node; thus, it helps to reduce the consumption of power, which is scarce in mobile ad hoc networks. It also provides fault tolerance such that if the network is partitioned or some agents are destroyed, they are still able to work. Moreover, they are scalable in large and varied system environments, as mobile agents tend to be independent of platform architectures. However, these systems would require a secure module where mobile agents can be stationed to. Additionally, mobile agents must be able to protect themselves from the secure modules on remote hosts as well.

Mobile-agent-based IDS can be considered as a distributed and cooperative intrusion detection technique as described in Section 3.2. Moreover, some techniques also use mobile agents combined with hierarchical IDS, for example, what will be described in Section 4.3.

4 Sample Intrusion Detection Systems for MANETs

Since the IDS for traditional wired systems are not well-suited to MANETs, many researchers have proposed several IDS especially for MANETs, which some of them will be reviewed in this section.

4.1 Distributed and Cooperative IDS

As described in Section 3.2, Zhang and Lee also proposed the model for a distributed and cooperative IDS as shown in Figure 2 [1].
The model for an IDS agent is structured into six modules. The local data collection module collects real-time audit data, which includes system and user activities within its radio range. This collected data will be analyzed by the local detection engine module for evidence of anomalies. If an anomaly is detected with strong evidence, the IDS agent can determine independently that the system is under attack and initiate a response through the local response module (i.e., alerting the local user) or the global response module (i.e., deciding on an action), depending on the type of intrusion, the type of network protocols and applications, and the certainty of the evidence. If an anomaly is detected with weak or inconclusive evidence, the IDS agent can request the cooperation of neighboring IDS agents through a cooperative detection engine module, which communicates to other agents through a secure communication module.

4.2 Local Intrusion Detection System (LIDS)

Albers et al. [3] proposed a distributed and collaborative architecture of IDS by using mobile agents. A Local Intrusion Detection System (LIDS) is implemented on every node for local concern, which can be extended for global concern by cooperating with other LIDS. Two types of data are ex-changed among LIDS: security data (to obtain complementary information from collaborating nodes) and intrusion alerts (to inform others of locally detected intrusion). In order to analyze the possible intrusion, data must be obtained from what the LIDS detects, along with additional information from other nodes. Other LIDS might be run on different operating systems or use data from different activities such as system, application, or network activities; therefore, the format of this raw data might be different, which makes it hard for LIDS to analyze. However, such diffculties can be solved by using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) data located in MIBs (Management Information Base) as an audit data source. Such a data source not only eliminates those diffculties, but also reduces the in-crease in using additional resources to collect audit data if an SNMP agent is already run on each node.
To obtain additional information from other nodes, the authors proposed mobile agents to be used to transport SNMP requests to other nodes. In another words, to distribute the intrusion detection tasks. The idea differs from traditional SNMP in that the traditional approach transfers data to the requesting node for computation while this approach brings the code to the data on the requested node. This is motivated by the unreliability of UDP messages used in SNMP and the dynamic topology of MANETs. As a result, the amount of exchanged data is tremendously reduced. Each mobile agent can be assigned a specific task which will be achieved in an autonomous and asynchronous fashion without any help from its LIDS.

The LIDS architecture is shown in Figure 3, which consists of

• Communication Framework: To facilitate for both internal and external communication with a LIDS.

• Local LIDS Agent: To be responsible for local intrusion detection and local response. Also, it reacts to intrusion alerts sent from other nodes to protect itself against this intrusion.

• Local MIB Agent: To provide a means of collecting MIB variables

for either mobile agents or the Local LIDS Agent. Local MIB Agent acts as an interface with SNMP agent, if SNMP exists and runs on the node, or with a tailor-made agent developed specifically to allow up-dates and retrievals of the MIB variables used by intrusion detection, if none exists.

• Mobile Agents (MA): They are distributed from its LID to collect and process data on other nodes. The results from their evaluation are then either sent back to their LIDS or sent to another node for further investigation.

• Mobile Agents Place: To provide a security control to mobile agents.

For the methodology of detection, Local IDS Agent can use either anomaly or misuse detection. However, the combination of two mechanisms will order the better model. Once the local intrusion is detected, the LIDS initiates a response and informs the other nodes in the network. Upon receiving an alert, the LIDS can protect itself against the intrusion.

4.3 Distributed Intrusion Detection System Using Multiple Sensors

Kachirski and Guha [4] proposed a multi-sensor intrusion detection system based on mobile agent technology. The system can be divided into three main modules, each of which represents a mobile agent with certain functionality: monitoring, decision-making or initiating a response. By separating functional tasks into categories and assigning each task to a different agent, the workload is distributed which is suitable for the characteristics of MANETs. In addition, the hierarchical structure of agents is also developed in this intrusion detection system as shown in Figure 4.

• Monitoring agent: Two functions are carried out at this class of agent: network monitoring and host monitoring. A host-based monitor agent hosting system-level sensors and user-activity sensors is run on every node to monitor within the node, while a monitor agent with a network monitoring sensor is run only on some selected nodes to monitor at packet-level to capture packets going through the network within its radio ranges.

• Action agent: Every node also hosts this action agent. Since every node hosts a host-based monitoring agent, it can determine if there is

any suspicious or unusual activities on the host node based on anomaly detection. When there is strong evidence supporting the anomaly detected, this action agent can initiate a response, such as terminating the process or blocking a user from the network.

• Decision agent: The decision agent is run only on certain nodes, mostly those nodes that run network monitoring agents. These nodes collect all packets within its radio range and analyze them to deter-mine whether the network is under attack. Moreover, from the previ-ous paragraph, if the local detection agent cannot make a decision on its own due to insuffcient evidence, its local detection agent reports to this decision agent in order to investigate further. This is done by using packet-monitoring results that comes from the network-monitoring sensor that is running locally. If the decision agent concludes that the node is malicious, the action module of the agent running on that node as described above will carry out the response.

The network is logically divided into clusters with a single clusterhead for each cluster. This clusterhead will monitor the packets within the cluster and only packets whose originators are in the same cluster are captured and investigated. This means that the network monitoring agent (with network monitoring sensor) and the decision agent are run on the clusterhead.

In this mechanism, the decision agent performs the decision-making based on its own collected information from its network-monitoring sen-sor; thus, other nodes have no in°uence on its decision. This way, spoo¯ng attacks and false accusations can be prevented.

4.4 Dynamic Hierarchical Intrusion Detection Architecture

Since nodes move arbitrarily across the network, a static hierarchy is not suitable for such dynamic network topology. Sterne et al. [16] proposed a dynamic intrusion detection hierarchy that is potentially scalable to large networks by using clustering like those in Section 4.3 and 5.5. However, it can be structured in more than two levels as shown in Figure 5. Nodes labeled \1" are the first level clusterheads while nodes labeled \2" are the second level clusterheads and so on. Members of the first level of the cluster are called leaf nodes.

Every node has the responsibilities of monitoring (by accumulating counts and statistics), logging, analyzing (i.e., attack signature matching or check-ing on packet headers and payloads), responding to intrusions detected if there is enough evidence, and alerting or reporting to clusterheads. Clus-terheads, in addition, must also perform:

• Data fusion/integration and data reduction: Clusterheads aggregate and correlate reports from members of the cluster and data of their own. Data reduction may be involved to avoid conficting data, bogus data and overlapping reports. Besides, clusterheads may send the requests to their children for additional information in order to correlate reports correctly.

• Intrusion detection computations: Since different attacks require different sets of detected data, data on a single node might not be able

to detect the attack, e.g., DDoS attack, and thus clusterheads also analyze the consolidated data before passing to upper levels.

• Security Management: The uppermost levels of the hierarchy have the authority and responsibility for managing the detection and response capabilities of the clusters and clusterheads below them. They may send the signatures update, or directives and policies to alter the configurations for intrusion detection and response. These update and directives will flow from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom.

To form the hierarchical structure, every node uses clustering, which is typically used in MANETs to construct routes, to self-organize into local neighborhoods (first level clusters) and then select neighborhood representatives (clusterheads). These representatives then use clustering to organize themselves into the second level and select the representatives. This process continues until all nodes in the network are part of the hierarchy. The authors also suggested criteria on selecting clusterheads. Some of these criteria are:

• Connectivity: the number of nodes within one hop

• Proximity: members should be within one hop of its clusterhead

• Resistance to compromise (hardening): the probability that the node will not be compromised. This is very important for the upper level clusterheads.

• Processing power, storage capacity, energy remaining, bandwidth capabilities

Additionally, this proposed architecture does not rely solely on promis-cuous node monitoring like many proposed architectures, due to its unreliability as described in [5]. Therefore, this architecture also supports direct periodic reporting where packet counts and statistics are sent to monitoring nodes periodically.

4.5 Zone-Based Intrusion Detection System (ZBIDS)

Sun et al. [24] has proposed an anomaly-based two-level non overlapping Zone-Based Intrusion Detection System (ZBIDS). By dividing the network in Figure 6 into non overlapping zones (zone A to zone I), nodes can be categorized into two types: the intrazone node and the interzone node (or a gateway node). Considering only zone E, node 5, 9, 10 and 11 are intrazone

Conclusions and Future Directions

As the use of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) has increased, the security in MANETs has also become more important accordingly. Historical events show that prevention alone, i.e., cryptography and authentication are not enough; therefore, the intrusion detection systems are brought into consideration. Since most of the current techniques were originally designed for wired networks, many researchers are engaged in improving old techniques or finding and developing new techniques that are suitable for MANETs.

With the nature of mobile ad hoc networks, almost all of the intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are structured to be distributed and have a coop-erative architecture. The number of new attacks is likely to increase quickly and those attacks should be detected before they can do any harm to the systems or data. Hence, IDS's in MANETs prefer using anomaly detection to misuse detection [1, 3, 4, 14, 24]. Some techniques are proposed to implement on top of the existing protocols [5, 6, 7], others are proposed as independent modules to be added on mobile nodes [1, 3, 4, 14, 16, 24].

An intrusion detection system aims to detect attacks on mobile nodes or intrusions into the networks. However, attackers may try to attack the IDS system itself [5]. Accordingly, the study of the defense to such attacks should be explored as well.

Many researchers are currently occupied in applying game theory for cooperation of nodes in MANETs [20, 21, 22, 23] as nodes in the network represent some characteristics similar to social behavior of human in a com-munity. That is, a node tries to maximize its benefit by choosing whether to cooperate in the network. There is not much work done in this area, therefore, it is an interesting topic for future research.