Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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The objective was to develop a system for detecting the closing of eyes of a person driving an automobile and provide an alarm indication thus preventing road accidents from occurring. Live video relay of the driver's eyes is processed using Image Processing in MATLAB to detect whether the eye is closed for more than a fixed duration thus indicating conditions of fatigue, alcohol consumption etc. The system is consisting of web camera which placed in a way that it records driver’s head movements in order to detect drowsiness. As drowsiness is detected, a signal is issued to alert the driver. The system deals with detecting face, eyes and mouth within the specific segment of the image. All the possible actions have been considered and output is generated accordingly. The system proves to be more accurate and safe compared to the existing sleep detection system developed using Infrared Sensors and Micro-processors.

Introduction (Heading 1)
In this work we focus on iris liveness detection, i.e., identification of liveness symptoms that could prove the authenticity of the eye and the willingness of the subject to be registered by the sensor. Instead of more commonly used static properties of the eye or its tissue, we use dynamics of the pupil registered under visible light stimuli. Since the pupil reacts involuntarily when the light intensity changes, it is difficult to conceal this phenomenon. As will be shown in the paper, the pupil dynamics are not trivial, making it difficult to mimic them for artificial objects. In our tests we decided not to use static objects such as iris paper printouts or patterned contact lenses, since in such cases we would be assured of success (static objects do not present significant dynamics, apart from some measurement noise, and thus are easily recognizable when dynamics is the key). Instead, to assess the proposed method performance, we classify spontaneous pupil oscillations (often called hippus and normal pupil reactions to a positive surge of visible light, thus making the tests more realistic. To our best knowledge, this is the only work that employs pupil dynamics for liveness detection and which is evaluated on dynamic, real objects rather than static artifactsicro-processors.
In this contribution we present a visual driver surveillance system to monitor the driver’s head motion as well as the eye blink patterns. Based on these measund features the system is able to detect symptoms of fatigue and monotony. The main advantages of the presented system in coiitrast to existing ones is the usage of standard equipment to achieve a good cost-performance ratio, fast compilation time, the possibility of measurements in darkness and the consideration of monotony. rite image analysis is realized in a coarse-to-fine architecture. Atfrsr the driver’s face is detected which is based on a boosted cascade of Haar wavelets. Then the eyes are searched in the face and occurring eye blinks measured by analyzing the optical flow of the qes’ region. The performance of the system was rested successfully under ideal and natural conditions.

Human errors are the cause of most traffic accidents, with drivers’ inattention and wrong driving decisions being the two main sources. These errors can be reduced, but not completely eliminated. That is why Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can reduce the number, danger and severity of traffic accidents. Several ADAS, which nowadays are being researched for intelligent vehicles, are based on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics technologies. In this article a research platform for the implementation of systems based on computer vision is presented, and different visual perception modules useful for some ADAS such as Line Keeping System, Adaptive Cruise Control, Pedestrian Protector, or Speed Supervisor, are described.

As computer vision based systems like lane tracking, face tracking and obstacle detection mature an enhanced range of driver assistance systems are becoming feasible. This paper introduces a list of core competencies required for a driver assistance system, the issue of building in robustness is highlighted in contrast to leaving such considerations to a later product development phase. We then demonstrate how these issues may be addressed in driver assistance systems based primarily on computer vision. The underlying computer vision systems are discussed followed by an example of a driver support application for lane keeping based on force-feedback through the steering wheel.


To detecting drowsiness it is necessary to know eye state that is open or close. Eye state classification is difficult due to some parameters. According to the efficiency and low computational time of Support Vector Machine (SVM), proposed system use this method to analysis eye state. After eye has been detected, LBP operator has been used to extract eye characteristics. Here LBP is expressed as Local Binary Pattern..



Locate, track and analyze both the driver's face and eyes to compute a drowsiness index to prevent accidents. Every drowsiness detection system has several main modules such as face and eye detection, tracking, etc. A new algorithm for detecting iris, pupil and lips based on color information is proposed. The percent of detection of iris, pupil will decide the eye state. According to the identification, vehicle is controlled by speed.

In this project we had introduced a new algorithm to detect a iris pupil and lips based on color information. Here the algorithm is named as cascade object detector system which uses the VIOLA-JONES algorithm.
The construction is
Detector vision.CascadeObjectDetector creates a System object, detector that detects objects using the Viola-Jones algorithm. The Classification Model property controls the type of object to detect. By default, the detector is configured to detect faces.
Detector=vision.CascadeObjectDetector (MODEL) creates a System object, detector, configured to detect objects defined by the input string, MODEL. The MODEL input describes the type of object to detect. There are several valid MODEL strings, such as ‘Frontal Face CART', 'Upper Body', and 'Profile Face'. See the Classification Model property description for a full list of available models.
Detector=vision. Cascade Object Detector (XMLFILE) creates a System object, detector, and configures it to use the custom classification model specified with the XML FILE input. The XMLFILE can be created using the train Cascade Object Detector function or Open CV (Open Source Computer Vision) training functionality. You must specify a full or relative path to the XMLFILE, if it is not on the MATLAB® path.
Detector=vision. Cascade Object Detector (Name, Value) configures the cascade object detector object properties. You specify these properties as one or more name-value pair arguments. Unspecified properties have default values.

Object detection:
Object detection is the process of finding instances of real-world objects such as faces, bicycles, and buildings in images or videos. Object detection algorithms typically use extracted features and learning algorithms to recognize instances of an object category. It is commonly used in applications such as image retrieval, security, surveillance, and automated vehicle parking systems.
Face detection:
The face is detected after the object is detected. The face is detected through cascade object detector.
The performance of the above depends upon the viola jones face, eyes, and nose and mouth detectors.
The code works fine for people with glasses and tilted faces.
In this the pupil will be detected first and then
Iris will be detected
Here the alarm is given in the form of dialog box or voice will act according to the result produced. If the eyes is closed the vehicle will stop automatically
Is actually possible to access various hardware, with MATLAB codes. One of the hardware is your Webcam, in order to take a r a picture as an input.
The functions we are going to use for it is:”video input” & “preview”
This “video input” function creates a video input object” which can be used for previewing the video through “preview” function.
So code will be like:
%start of code
Vid=videoinput(‘winvideo’, 1,’YUY2_640X480’);
Preview (vid);
%end of code
Let see how to detect face ,nose,mouth,and eyes using MATLAB build-in class and functions .based on Viola Jones face detection algorithm ,in computer vision system it contain vison. Cascade Object Detector System objects which detects object based on above mentioned algorithm