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Abstract—Wireless technologies have blossomed in the recent decades. The large scale deployment of wireless networks have revolutionized the way people live, which brings a great deal of convenience and enjoyment to people.These days, people have become more and more dependent on these wireless technologies (i.e. Cellular technologies) but with great technologies there are also greater risks and threats. Therefore Encryptions are used in all standards to ensurethe confidentiality of the data. Encryptions can be implemented in the different layers of a network protocol stack. Conventional encryption performs the bitwise XOR operation to generate one ciphertext. The proposed encryption schemeprovide confidentialities on the user data by performing the phase encryption on the time domain OFDM samples in LTE system with reduced keysize. Phase encryption is performed on the modulated symbols.Therefore, first mathematical models for XOR and phase encryptions for OFDM based under different channel is found andthen compare these two encryption methods in terms of their security and encryption efficiency. Finally, simulations is done to compare the performance of these two encryption scheme in terms of their decoding symbol error rate.

Wireless technologies have progressed in the last few decades. Thelarge scale deployment of these networks have made them readily accessible in most part of the world. From the transmission rate of tens of kilobytes/second of the first generation (1G) mobiles to the transmission rate of hundreds of megabytes/second proposed in the next generation mobile standard LTE-advanced, from the voice only communication, to text and messages and now to live video streaming.
The progress of wireless technologies has changed radically the way people live around the world. A large number of technologies and products have been developed as a direct result of emergence of wireless technologies. With great technologies also come great risks and threats. Cellular system have their own security and privacy concerns.
Secure system is one that performs operation from the perspective of the legitimate users. It will not behave unexpectedly regardless whether theadversary is present and if it tries to alter the behaviour of the communication system. To achieve secure system, the three following well known criteria must be satisfied [9].Confidentiality: This indicates that the transmitted information can be disclosed only to the legitimate receiver and no one else should be able to observe them.Integrity: This indicates that the transmitted information should not be altered. Non-repudiation: This indicates that the transmitter cannot refuse once it has sent the message.
The security and privacy of the user’s data has become very important in the past decade. People are now more aware of the security and the privacy of their personal data. Almost all standards have included the security primitives to ensure the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of the data being transmitted over the channel.
In general communication system, stream cipher encryption, makes use of bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) operation between one message bit and one key stream bit to generate one cipher text bit. The main reason for this implementation is that it is hardware efficient. Therefore the study has extended by introducing a new encryption scheme called Phase encryption, and its advantages over XOR encryption in general communication system.
Phase encryption is not system dependent or rely on a specific underlying modulation scheme as that of XOR encryption (system dependent). Phase encryption is done by multiplying the real and imaginary components of time domain OFDM samples by two binary key streams at the PHY layer of the protocol stack to provide data confidentiality protection.
Thus by introducing phase encryption just before transmission at the physical layer (lowest layer) in the network protocol stack the adversary cannot gain any useful information by analysing the intercept signals.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II,give the necessary background. Section III, present the P-Enc scheme. In Section IV, present mathematical formulations for XOR-Enc and P-Enc. Then, using our mathematical formulations, comparison these two encryption methods in terms of security and encryption efficiency is found. Section V,presents comparison ofXOR-Enc and P-Enc at thesystem level by taking into considerations of channel coding is found. In Section VI, simulations is performed to compare the performance of XOR-Enc and P-Enc in terms of the decoding SER for OFDM based under different channel. Section VII concludes our paper.