Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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Finding the location of the vehicle in a crowded parking lot is a tedious task. The project intends to simplify this task to simply sending an SMS and the vehicle starts beeping. Some other security features can also be included in the system such as the provision to send an SMS to the owner when an unauthorized user tries to open or damage the vehicle.
In a large parking lot, people tend to forget the exact location where they parked their vehicle. The will have to spend a lot of time walking through
row after row, searching for their automobile .
The basic building block of the project is the AT commands sent through the GSM enabled devices. The microcontroller would then control a device based on the information given to it. Here, what is being controlled is the buzzer that activates when the mobile phone recieves an SMS from the owner. From the sound of the buzzer, the user can identify the location of their vehicle.

It’s very useful project to find the location of the vehicle in a crowded parking. You can simply send SMS and the vehicle starts beeping there would then be buzzer in it). We can provide the security feature besides it that the vehicle will send a SMS when some unauthorized person will try to open the doors of vehicles.
We all live in a time compressed society. Nearly every minute of the day is used for critical tasks, and few can afford to waste those minutes on trivial issues. Yet, trivial issues seem to present themselves and require us to divert our attention to less important things. One of those trivial issues is when a person spends time searching for their automobile when they have forgotten where they have parked it.
As more and more automobiles are manufactured every year, and there are less and less classes of cars, more of those automobiles are beginning to be less distinctive. Furthermore, as more “strip” malls are being erected, parking lots are becoming expansive. This creates a common problem that many people have experienced. Many people have exited from a structure, into a large parking lot, and realizing they have forgotten where they parked their car, spent valuable time, walking through row after row, searching for their automobile.
Therefore, a device that can indicate to a user the direction of his or her parked vehicle would be an excellent solution to this common problem. With this in mind, the Car Locator device was designed, constructed, and tested.
The project is aimed at developing and testing the use of mobile phones to remotely control an appliance control system. The microcontroller would then control an device based on the information given to it. The proposed solution will need to be easy to use, simple, secure, and robust and be useful on most mobile phones. To achieve this testing will need to be carried out to create a useful system.
The report consists of a background into the area of 8051 microcontroller and mobile communication, how they are interfaced to each other and AT (Attention) commands set used in communication.
1. AT command supporting GSM mobile phone.
2. 89S52 Microcontroller
3. Max 232 IC.
4. Relays
5. Relay driver IC ULN 2803
6. Voltage regulator 7805.
7. Diode IN4007
8. GSM Phone
1. Keil u-Vision 3.
Keil Software is used provide you with software development tools for 8051 based microcontrollers. With the Keil tools, you can generate embedded applications for virtually every 8051 derivative. The supported microcontrollers are listed in the µ-vision
2 PRO51 Programmer Software

In this project we interfaced 8051 microcontroller with Motorola’s C168 GSM mobile phone to decode the received message and do the required action. The protocol used for the communication between the two is AT command.
The microcontroller pulls the SMS received by phone, decode it, recognizes the
Mobile no. and then switches on the relays attached to its port to control the appliances. After successful operation, controller sends back the acknowledgement to the user’s mobile through SMS.
AT-Command set
The following section describes the AT-Command set. The commands can be tried out by connecting a GSM modem to one of the PC’s COM ports. Type in the test-command, adding CR + LF (Carriage return + Line feed = \r\n) before executing. Table gives an overview of the implemented AT-Commands in this application. The use of the commands is described in the later sections.