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Data Collection


Data Collection
According to one of the primary objective of our thesis, to be able to analyze the contingency of the power system network of Bangladesh, we need to get a complete network database first. So we collected detailed database from the Power Generation Company Bangladesh (PGCB). According to the database, we have got the following major components:

Buses: 417
Generators: 61
Fixed Tap Transformer: 335
Shunt Capacitor: 136
Transmission Lines: 231
Induction Motors: 20
Static Loads: 240

Software Selection
As a major part of our thesis is about performing software based contingency analysis, we had to collect the right software that would be suitable for our analysis. There is a number of software available in the market for this type of analysis. We selected PSAF from all those to do our analysis. PSAF (Power Systems Application Framework) is a software package that offers both graphical and tabular data entry modes, single-line diagram drawing options and many other sophisticated facilities for reporting, plotting and customizing the simulation reports. PSAF is developed by CYME International TD Inc. We found that, this software would be perfect for analyzing contingency of Bangladesh power system using the data we have collected. Here we want to mention that, we are using PSAF version 2.81 (Revision 2.8) for our thesis purpose.

. Network Construction
After the database is collected and suitable software is selected, it comes to the task of network construction. Using the database, we have constructed (simulated) the whole network of Bangladesh power system in PSAF. Some of the screenshots of the simulated network are given in Appendix ‘A’ and the data and summery of Power Flow Analysis of Bangladesh Power System are given in Appendix ‘ B ’.

Exploring the Abnormal Conditions
Before Under-voltage problem solution, we need to converge the network using power flow study. We used Newton-Raphson Method among the two methods of power flow study to converge it. After converging, we found a lot of faulty conditions which we had to solve first. Some of the faults like buses with outside voltage limits are shown below:
Data collection is the process of collecting and measuring information on the selected variables in a systematic and established way, which allows answering the relevant questions and evaluating the results. Data collection is a component of research in all fields of study, including physical and social sciences, humanities, and business. Although methods vary according to discipline, the emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection remains the same. The goal of all data collection is to capture quality evidence that allows the analysis to lead to the formulation of credible and credible answers to the questions that have been raised.

Regardless of the field of study or preference for defining the data (quantitative or qualitative), accurate data collection is essential to maintain the integrity of the research. Both the selection of appropriate data collection instruments (existing, modified or newly developed) and clearly delineated instructions for their correct use reduce the likelihood of errors occurring.

A formal data collection process is required as it ensures that the data collected are defined and accurate and that subsequent decisions based on arguments incorporated in the conclusions are valid. The process provides both a baseline from which to measure and, in certain cases, an indication of what to improve.