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Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas for Electromagnetic Nanocommunications in the Terahertz Band



Nanotechnology, first envisioned by
the Nobel laureate physicist Richard
Feynman in his famous speech entitled
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” in
1959, is giving rise to devices in a scale
ranging from one to a few hundred
nanometers. The control of matter on an
atomic and molecular scale will provide the
engineering community with a new set of
tools to design and manufacture integrated
nano-devices able to perform simple tasks
such as local sensing or actuation.


Carbon nanotubes are one-dimensional
molecular structures obtained by rolling up a
single graphene sheet into a cylinder,
resulting in a Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotube (SWCNT), or more than one
sheet, resulting in a Multi-Walled Carbon
Nanotube (MWCNT). CNTs have several
interesting electronic properties, starting
from the fact that they can have either a
metallic or semiconductor behavior


The electronic properties of CNTs strongly
depend on their dimensions, Fermi energy
and the structure of their edge,which can be
mainly either zigzag or armchair depending
on how the graphene sheet is rolled. A
generic graphene sheet is illustrated in Fig.
2. In this case, the left and right edges are
zigzag edges, whereas the top and bottom
edges are armchair edges. In this section, we
first obtain the energy band structure of
CNTs with two possible configurations for
the edges using the tight-binding model.
depending on its dimensions and edge
geometry [9].In this work, we think of a
lossless metallic SWCNT over a ground
plane as a thin-wire center-fed antenna
resembling a nano-dipole antenna, as firstly
proposed in [5].

In this paper we have looked at EM
communications among nano-devices and
analyzed the use of a lossless metallic
single-walled carbon nanotube as a nanodipole
antenna. Using the tight-binding
model, we have obtained the energy band
structure of different types of CNTs and
computed their equivalent transmission line