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Biologically Inspired Robots as Artificial Inspectors



Imagine an inspector conducting an NDE on an aircraft where you notice something is different about him – he is not real but rather he is a robot. Your first reaction would probably be to say “it’s unbelievable but he looks real” just as you would react to an artificial flower that is a good imitation. This science fiction scenario could become a reality at the trend in the development of biologically inspired technologies, and terms like artificial intelligence, artificial muscles, artificial vision and numerous others are increasingly becoming common engineering tools. For many years, the trend has been to automate processes in order to increase the efficiency of performing redundant tasks where various systems have been developed to deal with specific production line requirements. Realizing that some parts are too complex or delicate to handle in small quantities with a simple automatic system, robotic mechanisms were developed. Aircraft inspection has benefited from this evolving technology where manipulators and crawlers are developed for rapid and reliable inspection. Advancement in robotics towards making them autonomous and possibly look like human, can potentially address the need to inspect structures that are beyond the capability of today’s technology with configuration that are not predetermined. The operation of these robots may take place at harsh or hazardous environments that are too dangerous for human presence. Making such robots is becoming increasingly feasible and in this paper the state of the art will be reviewed.


The field of NDE is increasingly benefited from advancements in robotics and automation [Bar-Cohen, 2000a]. Crawlers and various manipulation devices are commonly used to perform variety of inspection tasks ranging from C-scan to contour following and other complex functions. At JPL a multifunctional automated crawling system (MACS), shown in Figure 1, was developed to simplify scanning in field conditions where a novel mobility platform was developed for integration of PCboard based NDE instruments for scanning and inspection tasks. Enhancement of the inspection capability and allowing
access to difficult to reach areas require capabilities that, with today’s technology, can be performed only human operator. Making robot that can perform such tasks while mimicking the operation of human is a challenge that seems to be a science fiction but, with the current trend, this may not be a distant reality.


The beginning of the field of EAP can be traced back to an 1880 experiment that was conducted by Roentgen using a rubber-band with fixed end and a mass attached to the free-end, which was charged and discharged [Roentgen, 1880]. Sacerdote [1899] followed this experiment with a formulation of the strain response to electric field activation. Further milestone progress was recorded only in 1925 with the discovery of a piezoelectric polymer, called electret, when carnauba wax, rosin and beeswax were solidified by cooling while subjected to a DC bias field [Eguchi, 1925]. Generally.


Mimicking nature would immensely expand the collection and functionality of the robots
allowing performance of tasks that are impossible with existing capabilities. As technology
evolves, great number of biologically inspired robots actuated by EAP materials emulating
biological creatures is expected to emerge [Chapters 17 to 21 in Bar-Cohen 2001a]. Such
robots can be programmed to take on performing procedures that include NDE .

. Summary and Outlook

Technologies that allow developing biologically inspired system are increasingly emerging. Robots that are
biologically-inspired may perform combinations of locomotion techniques including walking, hopping, swimming, diving, crawling, flying, etc. with selectable behavior and operation characteristics. Making robots that are actuated by electroactive polymers, namely artificial muscles that are controlled by artificial intelligence would create a new reality with great potentials to NDE. Electroactive polymers have emerged with great potential enabling the development of unique biomimetic devices. As artificial muscles, these actuators are offering capabilities that are currently considered science fiction.