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Universary health cards can provide valuable, accurate patient information such as name, date of-birth, blood type, allergies, medications, and medical conditions – crucial information for any healthcare provider. At best, Smart cards can user healthcare into the true digital age. Healthcare can benefit dramatically from the utilization of Smart card technology as a stop-over on the way to a fully digital industry.

Most of the countries, including the U.S., lack of integrated online patient-record systems. Patients visiting new doctors need to fill out paper medical-history forms. What's more, over time, records can become spotty, incomplete, and difficult to access. This leads inefficiency in the medical-record system and medical mistakes, which can cost lives.

In the proposed system, each patient can have a health card which includes his or her complete medical history. Smart health cards speed up medical administration, put it in right format.
Universary health card could be used anywhere, on the street by medical emergency crew to quickly learn about allergies and treatments, even if injured person is un-capable to interact with anybody Universary Health card provides necessary details to all patients, it detects medical errors causing serious injuries or deaths, it reduces time to process patient at every stage.

Universary health cards can provide valuable, accurate patient information such as name, date of-birth, blood type, allergies, medications, and medical conditions – crucial information for any healthcare provider. At best, Smart cards can user healthcare into the true digital age. Healthcare can benefit dramatically from the utilization of Smart card technology as a stop-over on the way to a fully digital industry.

Most of the countries, including the U.S., lack of integrated online patient-record systems. Patients visiting new doctors need to fill out paper medical-history forms. What's more, over time, records can become spotty, incomplete, and difficult to access. This leads inefficiency in the medical-record system and medical mistakes, which can cost lives.

In the proposed system, each patient can have a health card which includes his or her complete medical history. Smart health cards speed up medical administration, put it in right format.
Universary health card could be used anywhere, on the street by medical emergency crew to quickly learn about allergies and treatments, even if injured person is un-capable to interact with anybody Universary Health card provides necessary details to all patients, it detects medical errors causing serious injuries or deaths, it reduces time to process patient at every stage.