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Why Use Solar Cells?

Low maintenance, long lasting sources of energy
Provides cost-effective power supplies for people remote from the main electricity grid
Non-polluting and silent sources of electricity
Convenient and flexible source of small amounts of power
Renewable and sustainable power, as a means to reduce global warming

In 2002, the global market for photovoltaic panels and equipment was valued at 3.5 billion dollars

The Solar Cell

The most common type of solar cells are Photovoltaic Cells (PV cells)
Converts sunlight directly into electricity
Cells are made of a semiconductor material (eg. silicon)
Light strikes the PV cell, and a certain portion is absorbed
The light energy (in the form of photons) knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely, forming a current
Metal contacts on the top and bottom of PV cell draws off the current to use externally as power

Disadvantages of conventional solar cell

In conventional solar cell it is observed that only 35% of the suns total energy is being used
The conventional solar cells are not so favorable on cloudy days
In order to overcome these disadvantages we use INFRARED PLASTIC SOLAR CELL

Construction of plastic solar cell

The solar cell created is actually a hybrid, comprised of tiny nanorods dispersed in an organic polymer or plastic
Nanorods are made of cadmium selenide
This layer of around 200 nanometers thickness is sandwiched between electrodes
The electrodes are coated with aluminium


They are considered to be 30% more efficient when compared to conventional solar cells.
Traditional solar cells are bulky panels. This is very compact.
Flexible, roller processed solar cells have the potential to turn the sun’s power into a clean, green, consistent source of energy.


It is not cost effective
Shorter life span when continuously exposed to sun light
Requires higher maintenance and constant monitoring

