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Real Time Video Surveillance System Using Motion Detection


In today’s competitive environment, the security concerns have grown tremendously. Hence, it is imperative for one to be able to safeguard one’s property from worldly harms such as thefts, destruction of property, people with malicious intent etc. Due to the advent of technology in the modern world, the methodologies used by thieves and robbers for stealing have been improving exponentially. Therefore, it is necessary for the surveillance techniques to also improve with the changing world. The latest technologies used in the fight against thefts and destruction are the video surveillance and monitoring.


As early as 1965, there were press reports in various countries across the world suggesting police use of surveillance cameras in public places. When video cassette recorders hit the market, video surveillance became really popular.
Analog technology using taped video-cassette recordings meant surveillance could be preserved on tape as evidence. A complete analog video-surveillance system consisted of a camera, monitor, and VCR. The old tube camera was only
useful in daylight, and the VCR could only store eight hours of footage at best. The drawback was that after a while, owners and employees of such a system would become complacent and not change the tapes daily or the tapes would
wear out after months of being re-used. There was also the problem of recording at night or in low light.

System Functionality

The objective of this work was to develop a surveillance system which would detect motion in a live video feed and if motion is detected, then to activate a warning system and store the video feed for future reference and processing purposes. The activation of an alarm would help in nullifying a threat of security and storing of video provides a proof of such malicious activity. Keeping the work objective in mind, we firstly developed basic system architecture as shown in the Fig. 2.

Work Specification

Coding Language: To design a surveillance system, we have used strong computing software called Matlab 7.7.
Reason for Selection: We used MATLAB to develop our work, because MATLAB provides Image Acquisition and Image Processing Toolboxes which facilitate us in creating a good GUI and an excellent code.
Approach: Using a video input object, live data is acquired and analyzed to calculate any motion between two adjacent image frames. Any motion in the image stream is plotted in a MATLAB figure window and also the moving object is identified in videos.


A video monitoring & detection system was thus developed successfully in this paper. This system mainly provides an efficient method for surveillance purposes and is aimed to be highly beneficial for any person or organization. Thus, a motion based change detection in avi video format was completed and successfully implemented. The future scope of the work done could be as follows: the due course of time as we started to understand the minute details of our work, we significantly realized that our software would be tremendously important in the future world. Following changes or additions can be done on our work to include some new features.