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Why do we need to compress?

At any given time, the ability of the Internet to transfer data is fixed
Increase the rate of digital image data transfer or data rate (Megabit per second or Mb/s)
Reduce the total amount of digital storage required or data capacity (Megabyte or MByte).
Many files can be combined into one compressed document making sending easier, provided combined file size is not huge.

Why Can We Compress?

Coding redundancy
Most 2-D intensity arrays contain more bits than are needed to
represent the intensities
Spatial redundancy
Neighboring pixels are not independent but correlated
Temporal redundancy
Irrelevant information
Most 2-D intensity arrays contain information that is ignored
by the human visual system

Run Length Encoding

Run-length Encoding, or RLE is a technique used to reduce the size of a repeating string of characters.
This repeating string is called a run, typically RLE encodes a run of symbols into two bytes , a count and a symbol.
RLE can compress any type of data
RLE cannot achieve high compression ratios compared to other compression methods
It is easy to implement and is quick to execute.
Run-length encoding is supported by most bitmap file formats such as TIFF, BMP and PCX

What is MPEG ?

"Motion Picture Expert Group", established in 1990 to create standard for delivery of audio and video.
MPEG-1 : target VHS (Video Home System) quality on a CD-ROM (320 x 240 + CD audio @ 1.5 Mbits/sec) .