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Computer graphics



Introduction to the Graphics:

Computer graphics is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing computer field and computer .It is also an extremely effective medium for communication between people.

The human can understand the information content of a displayed diagram or perceptive view much faster than it can understand a table of numbers.

There is a lot of development in hardware and software required to generate images, and now-a-days the cost of such hardware and software is also dropping rapidly. Due to this the interactive computer graphics is becoming available to more and more people.

Computer graphics today is largely interactive:
The user controls the contents, structure, and appearance of the objects and of there displayed images by using input devices, such as keyboard, mouse, or touch-sensitive panel on the screen .Because of the close relationship between the input devices and the display, the handling of such devices is included in the study of computer graphics.

Uses of Computer Graphics

User interface:

It is now a well established fact that graphical interfaces provide an alternative and easy interaction between users and computers the built in graphics provided with user interfaces use the visual control items such as buttons, menus, icons, scroll bars etc. which allows user to interact with the computer only by mouse click.

Interactive plotting in business, science and technology:
In industry, business government and education organizations computer graphics is most commonly used to create 2D and 3D graphs of mathematical, physical and economic functions in the form of histograms, bars and pie charts which are very useful in decision making.

Computer aided drafting and design:
The computer aided drafting uses the graphics to components and systems. Electrical mechanical and electronic devices such as automobile bodies, structures of airplane, ships, buildings.
Simulation & animation for scientific visualization and entertainment:

Use of the graphics in simulation makes mathematical models and mechanical systems more realistic and easy to study. The interactive graphics supported by animation software proved their use in production of animated movies and cartoon films.


This project is about implementing an Open GL with a set of glut keywords glut.h, glut32.dll and glut32.lib functions are compatible only with the Microsoft visual basic.


Tic Tac Toe is a game that requires two players who alternately place X’s and Y’s upon a 3x3 playing board.
Players alternate roles in placing their marks in any unoccupied box (cell) on the board. The first player to complete three of its marks in (1) a horizontal row,(2) a vertical column, or (3) in either of the two cross diagonals wins the game.

The program must allow both the player to alternately select their moves via the console. Player 1 must pick its mark (X ) first. The other mark goes to player 2 must pick its mark (Y). Both can have a chance to start the game first.

The board boxes will be numbered from 1 to 9. Each player must select its unoccupied box by entering the number that corresponds to that box.

The game must end when (1) all the boxes are marked, or (2) one of the players wins. When the game ends, the program must print out the outcome of the game. After every move the program must print the board with all the marks up to that point. Your program must also prevent players from choosing wrong boxes.