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Automatic Turning Headlight System



According to the Washington State Fatal Car Accident Statistics the night-time automobile fatality rate is consistently three to four times greater than the daytime rate. Many factors enter
into the equation that result in the increased rate of accidents, which gives all the more reason to take every measure to mitigate as many risks as possible.
A major problem of night-time driving is situational awareness. Maximizing night-time awareness involves providing the maximum amount of information to the driver about road conditions and surrounding obstacles, which for the foreseeable future involves providing the best possible lighting to the driver, while at the same time minimizing glare for oncoming traffic.

In a conventional headlight system:

When a driver turns an automobile left or right the headlight still beams straight forward.
Driver does not get enough light to see ahead for a short duration of time.
It is very dangerous and inconvenient for driving.


The running gear of the steering wheel when connect to a variable register transmits a signal to the server. In response the server controls the turning of the headlight so that it follows the movement of the steering.

“Provides Greater Safety When Driving At Night”


The 1970 Citroen SM were equipped with an elaborated dynamic headlamp positioning system that adjusted the headlamps’ horizontal and vertical positioning in response to inputs from the vehicle’s steering and suspension systems.