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Optical fiber biosensors


The potential

Fiber optic research has been expanding since fiber-imaging bundles were first put together in the late 1950s. While their initial use was solely as a means to transmit light over only a few tens of centimeters, fiber optics have evolved to become one of the most advanced mediums of transmission and translation available today. Today they are used in applications varying from the Internet to microscopes.
For the past decade, fiber optic biosensors have been touted as the means to revolutionize medical technology, dramatically improving patient care and cutting overall operating costs. They are immune to electromagnetic signals and are currently used in a variety of medical applications such as early cancer and AIDS detection.

The challenge

Though optical fiber biosensors have tremendous potential, their focus on microscale diagnostics requires a near-perfect margin of error. Much more sensitive sensors are needed for applications in preventative care.
For example, direct observation of viruses is a challenging task, as is analyzing DNA. Though multimode fibers are typically applied in these systems because of their larger power-transmitting capacity, they require bulky optical components which may easily become misaligned.


This work is currently supported by the National Science Foundation and has had previous support from the Army Research Laboratory and the Department of Energy.