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RF based anti collision device full report
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The fourth largest railway in the world is Indian Railroad next to the US, Russia and China. Nowadays there are many problems in the train collision. So, now our main goal is "Happy and Healthy Journey". The work we are proposing in this document is to prevent the train collision prevention system using the RFID technique. Here we use RFID tags and RFID reader that are attached to the engine and track in order. So now by implementing these components we can get the information about the track on which it is running and store it in the microcontroller. The same procedure is done on all trains. And if any RFID ID of two trains is identical the LCD shows "is wrong route". So, in doing so, collision of trains can be avoided, we just add another application as well. Is that if an obstacle is detected then it is detected by the object sensor and the train stops the mad pilot gives the current situation of the train to the station and then the obstacle is removed.

The anti-collision device is a form of automatic train protection that is used on Indian railways. The ACD network is a train collision prevention system invented by Rajaram Bojji and patented by Konkan Railway Corporation Limited, a public company of the Ministry of Railways, Government of India. ACDs are based on GPS satellites for position updates. They exchange information through radio frequency transmissions to automatically brake and prevent collisions.

Crazy ACDs brake to reduce train speed to 15 km / h if in focus. They receive messages from the other ACDs on adjacent tracks. If incoming ACDs of other trains are read 'train parted', trains are slowed down until they have stopped to avoid dangerous side collisions that may occur when adjacent tracks have been damaged. The use of experimental trials of ACD in the Southern Railway has been successful.