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Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)



This article presents an overview of recently developing vehicular communication technology particularly describing Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication using IEEE and ASTM adopted Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Standard. This paper also discusses some of the application requirement and congestion control policies. Lastly, a real life implementation of V2V and DSRC standard that support it are analyzed. Traffic accidents have been taking thousands of lives each year, outnumbering any deadly diseases or natural disasters. As far as India is considered, India having less than 1% of the world’s vehicles, the country accounts for 6% of total road accidents across the globe and 10% of total road fatalities [13]. Every year in the United States, about six million traffic accidents occur due to automobile crashes. In 2010 alone, these accidents accounted for $230billion in damaged property, 2,889,000 nonfatal injuries, and 42,643 deaths [14]. While different factors contribute to vehicle crashes, such as vehicle mechanical problems and bad weather, driver behavior is considered to be the leading cause of more than 90 percent of all accidents. The inability of drivers to react in time to emergency situations often creates a potential for chain collisions, in which an initial collision between two vehicles is followed by a series of collisions involving the following vehicles. Studies [15] show that about 60% roadway collisions could be avoided if the operator of the vehicle was provided warning at least one-half second prior to a collision.