Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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Abd al-raheem Al-anabi resume



To obtain an engineering management or communication engineering position in Network Operating Center or at RF Center in The Planning and optimization as optimizer , controls, test, continuous improvement or quality at a growing, people-oriented, high-technology consumer, electrical/electronic or where I can use my strong analytical, detail-oriented and interpersonal skills along with my exceptional common sense to improve services and products, reduce costs and lead times, delight customers and help and mentor others. All the while engaging in new challenges and learning experiences.


Extensive experience in engineering and management, research and leadership and mentoring, test and problem-solving. Expert at analyzing and solving the most complex of problems. Self motivated professional, capable of working independently or as part of a team. I have a trainee course for about four months in Zain company as an optimizer in the RF center, my graduation final project was a bout a wireless system that has solved a lot of the people life problem. I have a lot of experience in the GSM and UMYS systems in 2Gand 3G..

Smart Auto Parking System Using Wireless techniques

it was my finally graduation project and we create this system to solve the problem of the congestion of the cars in the parking whatever where it was in mall or any place else ,we use a Comprehensive group of an electronic component and the project was successfully done in the theoretically and particularly.