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Smooth Trade-Offs between Throughput and Delay in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks



A wireless ad hoc network is an autonomous system in which users can communicate with each other freely. It can be deployed quickly at a very low cost, and can be easily managed and extended. In the future, there is no doubt that more and more objects in our daily lives will have communication capability. In other words, we will have large-scale ad hoc networks in the near future, in which the capacity of the networks is a critical issue.We consider the throughput/delay tradeoffs for scheduling data transmissions in a mobile ad hoc network. To reduce delays in the network, each user sends redundant packets along multiple paths to the destination.
Throughput capacity in wireless ad hoc networks has been studied extensively under many different mobility models such as i.i.d. mobility model, Brownian mobility model, random walk model, and so on. Most of these research works assume global mobility, i.e., each node moves around in the whole network, and the results show that a constant per-node throughput can be achieved at the cost of very high expected average end-to-enddelay. Thus, we are having a very big gap here, either low throughput and low delay in static networks or high throughput and high delay in mobile networks.
However, most previous research assumes global mobility, and the results show that a constant per-node throughput can be achieved at the cost of very high delay. Thus, we are having a very big gap here, i.e., either low throughput and low delay in static networks or high throughput and high delay in mobile networks. In this paper, employing a practical restricted random mobility model, we try to fill this gap. Specifically, we assume that a network of unit area with n nodes is evenly divided into cells with an area of n-2α, each of which is further evenly divided into squares with an area of n-2β(0≤α≤β≤½). All nodes can only move inside the cell which they are initially distributed in, and at the beginning of each time slot, every node moves from its current square to a uniformly chosen point in a uniformly chosen adjacent square. By proposing a new multihop relay scheme, we present smooth trade-offs between throughput and delay by controlling nodes’ mobility. We also consider a network of area nγ(0≤γ≤1) and find that network size does not affect the results obtained before.
The production capacity in ad hoc mobile networks has been studied extensively under many different mobility models. However, most of the earlier research assumes global mobility, and the results show that a consistent per-node performance can be achieved at the cost of a very high delay. Therefore, we are having a very large gap here, ie either low performance and low delay in static networks or high performance and high delay in mobile networks. In this paper, using a practical model of restricted random mobility, we try to fill this void. Specifically, we assume that a unit-area network with n nodes is evenly divided into cells with an area of ​​n-2α, each of which is uniformly divided into squares with an area of ​​n-2β (0≤ α ≤ β ≤1 / 2). All nodes can only be moved within the cell in which they are initially distributed and at the beginning of each time interval, each node moves from its current square to a uniformly chosen point in an evenly selected adjacent square. When proposing a new multi-spindle retransmission scheme, we present a balance between performance and delay when controlling the mobility of nodes. We also consider a network of area nγ (0 ≤ γ ≤ 1) and find that the size of the network does not affect the results obtained before.