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TASER is the acronym of Thomas A.Swiftâ„¢s Electronic rifle.
These were first invented in the year 1969.
These are effective personal defense weapons.
The basic principle is based on the Ohmâ„¢s Law.
An Electroshock weapon is a weapon used for subduing a person by administering electric shock that may disrupt superficial muscle functions.


The basic principle of operation is based on the Ohmâ„¢s Law.
Uses a temporary high-voltage low-current electrical discharge to override the body's muscle-triggering mechanisms.
Applying electroshock devices to more sensitive parts of the body is more painful.
The Ohmâ„¢s Law states that the ratio of voltage to current is a constant called Resistance.
These were the first developed Tasers.These were not provided with probes.


Itâ„¢s not the voltage itâ„¢s the amperage that is dangerous
Tasers use high voltage, but very low amperage
M26: 3.6 milliamps (average current)
X26: 2.1 milliamps (average current)


Contains a folded wire, two mini arrows with hooks at their ends and the wires attached to the rear ends of the arrows and a means for firing the arrows


When fired, the mini arrows will be launched and if they hit a target, they will be attached to the target by the hooks while the wires carry the current from the weapon to the target.


Less risk of injury to law enforcement officers when subjects actively resist
Less risk of injury or death to subjects from law enforcement use of force.
These are mainly used as Self Defense Weapon.
These are more safe than contact based self defense weapons.
The subject is paralyzed in just five seconds after the trigger has been applied.


High voltage affects nerves
Leads to intense muscle contraction
Does not affect muscles directly


Tasers have caused injuries, but most Taser-related injuries are minor.
Muscle Contraction Injuries
Stress fractures
Muscle or tendon strain or tears
Back injuries
Joint injuries
Injuries from Falls
May be serious depending on the height
Minor Surface Burns
Due to arcing Taser devices are the safest, most effective self defense technology available because it incapacitates the subject when used in probe mode while creating low probability of injury.

Penetrating Eye Injuries


Taser devices are the safest, most effective self defense technology available because it incapacitates the subject when used in probe mode while creating low probability of injury.
A Taser is an electroshock weapon that uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles. Its manufacturer, Taster International, calls the effects "neuromuscular incapacitation" and the devices' mechanism "Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology". Someone struck by a Taser experiences stimulation of his or her sensory nerves and motor nerves, resulting in strong involuntary muscle contractions. Tasers do not rely only on pain compliance, except when used in Drive Stun mode, and are thus preferred by some law enforcement over non-Taster stun guns and other electronic control weapons Tasers were introduced as non-lethal weapons to be used by police to subdue fleeing, belligerent, or potentially dangerous subjects, often when what they consider to be a more lethal weapon (such as a firearm) would have otherwise been used.
The Taser fires two small dart-like electrodes, which stay connected to the main unit by conductive wire as they are propelled by small compressed nitrogen charges similar to some air gun or paintball marker propellants. The air cartridge contains a pair of electrodes and propellant for a single shot and is replaced after each use. There are a number of cartridges designated by range, with the maximum at 35 feet (10.6 m). Cartridges available to non-law enforcement consumers are limited to 15 feet (4.5 m). The electrodes are pointed to penetrate clothing and barbed to prevent removal once in place. Earlier Taser models had difficulty in penetrating thick clothing, but newer versions (X26, C2) use a "shaped pulse" that increases effectiveness in the presence of barriers.
Tasers primarily function by creating neuromuscular incapacitation, which means that it interrupts the ability of the brain to control the muscles in the body. This creates an immediate and unavoidable incapacitation that is not based on pain and cannot be overcome. Once the electricity stops flowing the subject immediately regains control of his body. Most subjects after being Tasered once will comply so as to avoid being Tasered a second time.
Tasers also provide a safety benefit to police officers as they have a greater deployment range than batons, pepper spray or empty hand techniques. This allows police to maintain a safe distance. A study of use-of-force incidents by the Calgary Police Service conducted by the Canadian Police Research Centre found that the use of Tasers resulted in fewer injuries than the use of batons or empty hand techniques. Only pepper spray was found to be a safer intervention option.

The two articles that follow investigate the physiological effects of electric shock. The first is by Mark W. Kroll, an electrical engineer who has helped invent numerous electrical medical devices and who sits on the board of Taser International. The second is by Patrick Tchou, a cardiac electro physiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, who has tested Tasers experimentally on pigs.
The ideal arrest tool, then, must meet a number of requirements. First, it must be able to temporarily disable even the largest, most determined drug-anesthetized individual. Second, it must do so without causing serious injury to anyone involved. Third, its effectiveness cannot be dependent on causing pain. Fourth, it must work reliably. And finally, it must be able to be used from a safe distance--let's say 5 meters--so that an arresting officer need not come within range of a suspect's blows
please send me the seminar report on electroshock gun taser x-26 ...