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8086/88 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction sets


Evolution from 8080/8085 to 8086

Intel introduced 8086 microprocessor in 1978. This 16-bit microprocessor was a major improvement over the previous generation of 8080/8085 series of microprocessors.
In a system with pipelining, the data and the address bus are busy transferring data while the CPU is processing information.


Pipelining is the simplest form to allow the CPU to fetch and execute at the same time. Note that the fetch and execute times can be different.

Registers of 8086 Microprocessor

In the CPU, registers are used store information temporarily. The information can be one or two bytes of data, or the address of data.
In 8088/8086 general-purpose registers can be accessed as either16-bit or 8-bit registers. All other registers can be accessed as full 16-bit registers.