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BUS 361 - Systems Analysis


Universal Real Estate:

The analyst has performed an initial interview with Pam Fisher, a manager for
Universal Real Estate. She has indicated that the housing market in the area is
expanding rapidly. Housing sales are expected to increase by 10% in the next
three years and five new agents are to be hired. The current system will not
handle this increased load. Also, the current system only keeps information
about homes and land listed for sale. It does not keep information about
prospective buyers or match buyers to sellers. Another problem is that the
current system does not have the capability to tie into other state and national real
estate listing services. After completing a preliminary investigation (survey), the
analyst discovers that each real estate agent had developed their own system,
some on computers, but each was different. Several problems were identified:
1. an expected increase in the sales listing that cannot be handled by the current
2. lack of any information about potential buyers resulting in lost sales
3. matching of sellers to buyers is being done manually and depends on the
particular agent
4. missed closing have increase to 10% from only 3% three years ago due to lack
of timely information
5. lack of ability to interface with other state and national listing services
The end-users include sales agents and management of Universal Real Estate.
Also, customers, clerical staff, various governmental agencies, and other real
estate organizations would be affected. The new information systems would need
to support a wide variety of normal business transactions such as home and
property listings, potential buyers and their requirements, requests for showings,
mortgage and finance details, inspections surveys, closings, etc. The system
would also need to provide a full range of management reports and decision
support information. The new system would have to be in operation within one
year, interface with state and national listing networks, and be cost-justified.
Additional, more specific goals and objectives will be defined later. Four primary
transactions have been identified as necessary process inputs. They are: a sales
request from a seller (offer to sell); a buyer request (need and interest profile); a
request for a showing of a listing by a potential buyer; and an offer to buy a listing.
These transactions (and any other you may add) necessitate the maintenance of
at least nine data stores: seller; house; property; listing; room; buyer; offer;
closing; and showing. Six management reports and two query responses have
also been identified as required: detail reports on all listings and all showings;
summary reports on listings by area and accepted offers; exceptions reports on
unsold listings and rejected offers; and queries about an offer status and about a