Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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At least eight of the following experiments are to be performed :
1. To study input-output characteristics of a potentiometer and to use two potentiometers as an error detector.
2. To study transmitter-receiver characteristics of a synchro set to use the set as control component.
3. To study the operation of a d-c positional servo system and to investigate the effect of damping and supply voltage on its response.
4. To study the operation of an a.c. position servo-system and to obtain effects of supply voltage and system parameter on its transient response.
5. To design different compensation network for the given cut off frequencies and to plot frequency response of these networks.
6. To simulate a servo-system and obtain its characteristics with the use of controllers.
7. To study control action of light control device.
8. To study details of a magnetic amplifier and to obtain input-output characterization of this amplifier.
9. To study details of a two winding a-c servometer and to obtain its T-N characteristics.
10. To study PID-controller and to obtain the effect of proportional, integral and derivative control action.
11. To study details of an analog computer and solve a given second order differential equation using it.
12. To study a stepper motor and control its direction speed and number of steps with the help of a microprocessor.