Seminar Topics & Project Ideas On Computer Science Electronics Electrical Mechanical Engineering Civil MBA Medicine Nursing Science Physics Mathematics Chemistry ppt pdf doc presentation downloads and Abstract

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In the past few years, developers could choose between two approaches when building a web application. The first approach was to create a screen based system with very rich interactions using a sophisticated technology such as java or flash. The alternative approach was to create a page – based system using easier to learn core web standards like XHTML and CSS whose more basic capabilities force less-rich interactions. A new technological approach, dubbed Ajax, might just be the right mix between the two.
Screen based applications offer users the ability to enter and manipulate information on a small number of screens that instantly update with any submitted changes. Developers typically build these applications, which mimic the sophistication of desktop applications developers who build page based applications using standard web technologies are forced to deal with the load- reload effect of normal web pages. As a result, users who enter and manipulate information in page based applications must sit through a page refresh in order for their changes to take place.


This project performs the task of developing a web application that enables usage of Ajax at each and every liverish can read out an input text typed at a source and stream the same to a destination.

Project Overview:

Typically, when users enter information into an input field on a page based web application, nothing is done with that information until they press “submit”. After they press, “submit” the information is sent to the server, a response is returned, notifying the user of success or failure. During this time, which typically changes based on the speed of the connection and the amount of processing being done, the user sits and waits while the page refreshes.
Ajax applications, on the other hand, don’t need to refresh the entire page to update information on it. Instead, Ajax applications can simply update parts of the page at any time, giving users an instantaneous response to their inputs and queries. This allows users to continually see what they’re working on and react to any changes, errors. Or updates the interface notifies them of.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Ajax, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. The intent is to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user makes a change. This is meant to increase the web page's interactivity, speed, and usability.
Prior to AJAX, any retrieval of data from the server required that the entire Web page be refreshed in the user's computer. As a result, systems were often designed with less interaction; for example, to have the user submit a form only at the end, after all fields were filled in. In contrast, AJAX systems can validate one or two items at a time "behind the scenes" without making the session cumbersome, especially over slow connections. AJAX, also known as "remote scripting," allows Web-based applications to be designed like LAN-based applications.

How does it work?

Instead of a user request being made of the server via, for example, a normal HTTP POST or GET request, such as would be made by submitting a form or clicking a hyperlink, an Ajax script makes a request of a server by using the JavaScript XMLHTTPRequest object.
Although this object may be unfamiliar to many, in fact it behaves like a fairly ordinary JavaScript object.  As you may well know, when using a JavaScript image object we may dynamically change the URL of the image source without using a page refresh. XMLHTTPRequest retrieves information from the server in a similarly invisible manner.

Scope of the System:

The AJAX implementation of the online order processing system can help to reduce the time to refresh the loaded pages even after the application encounters the changes. When many users are processing orders through intranet or internet, this system will be a bit easier to implement so that the changed pages will be refreshed thoroughly.

Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The document is prepared keeping is view of the academic constructs of my Bachelors Degree / Masters Degree from university as partial fulfillment of my academic purpose the document specifies the general procedure that that has been followed by me, while the system was studied and developed. The general document was provided by the industry as a reference guide to understand my responsibilities in developing the system, with respect to the requirements that have been pin pointed to get the exact structure of the system as stated by the actual client.
The system as stated by my project leader the actual standards of the specification were desired by conducting a series of interviews and questionnaires. The collected information was organized to form the specification document and then was modeled to suite the standards of the system as intended.


A Collection of components that work together to realize some objective is called a System. An information system is nothing but a system that provides information to people in an organization. A new system may be built afresh or by changing the existing system. Systems analysis is an important activity that takes place when new information systems are being built or existing ones are changed. A set of steps that define how things are done is called as a Process. A process followed to determine what the system does and what is required of it is systems analysis. This is central to the whole of system development. It includes gathering the necessary data and developing plans for new systems.
The data flow diagram (DFD) is one of the most important modeling tools used by the systems analysts. DFD‘s use a number of symbols to represent systems. There are four kinds of symbols and are used to represent four kinds of system components namely processes, data stores, data flows and external entities. DFD’s are used to illustrate how data flows in a system.

Object Specification:

The System design model focuses on the subsystem decomposition and global system decision such as hardware/software mapping persistent storage or access control. We identify top-level subsystems and define them in terms of the services they provide.
Object design includes service specification activity. During this we specify the sub system services in terms of class interfaces, including operations, arguments, type signatures and exceptions. During this activity, we also needed missing operations and objects needed to transfer data among subsystem. The result of this activity is a complete interface for each subsystem


Every project is done to explore a new solution for a given problem. This project provides a solution to users to avoid refresh and wait mechanism and also there will be no necessity of load- reloading the web page every time it is executed. There will not be any unauthorized access to the system. Successful implementation provides users to process orders with ease. This system is developed keeping in mind the present requirements. In future, if the need may arise the software developed can be modified and upgraded